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现代畜牧网 http://www.cvonet.com 2020/4/30 12:43:01 关注:388 评论: 我要投稿

  2020年4月28日,欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)发布关于Panavital饲料(D-甘油酸(D-glyceric acid))作为鸡育肥饲料安全性和有效性的评估结果。
  Panavital feed is a preparation of d‐glyceric acid intended to be used as a zootechnical additive in chickens for fattening. The active substance (d‐glyceric acid) of the additive ■■■■■ by fermentation with Gluconobacter frateurii. The additive is intended to be used in chickens for fattening at a concentration from ■■■■■。 The FEEDAP Panel notes that the data provided for the characterisation of the active substance are incomplete and that data on the characterisation of the formulated additive are not provided. based on the information available, the FEEDAP Panel cannot assess the qualitative and quantitative composition of Panavital feed. Due to lack of data, the safety of the production strain claimed to be used to produce the active substance cannot be evaluated. based on the data provided by the applicant, the FEEDAP Panel cannot conclude on the safety of Panavital feed for the target species, the consumer, the user and the environment and on the efficacy of Panavital feed when used as feed additive.
文章来源:食品伙伴网 作者: 可心     文章编辑:一米优讯     
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