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现代畜牧网 http://www.cvonet.com 2014/7/21 22:10:01 关注:249 评论: 我要投稿



  Nynke Runia女士,荷兰王国大使馆农业参赞


  Glen Illing先生,托佩克亚太&非洲区总监


  托佩克中国为Topigs Norsvin的一家公司。Topigs Norsvin是世界上最大的种猪基因供应商之一,每年生产超过155万头杂交后备种猪和超过800万剂精液。每年有超过9千万头出栏肥猪持有Topigs Norsvin的基因。

  TOPIGS and Ruibang Joint Venture in Genetic Centre and Nucleus operations in Hebei Province

  Ruibang, a private Chinese company in Hebei province owned by Mr. and Mrs. Yang, and Topigs China, signed a strategic joint venture agreement on June 27, 2014. The joint venture will operate a nucleus unit to produce and distribute World class Topigs genetics in Hebei province and Northern China. Topigs China will provide continued genetic program and marketing support by its local and international team of experts. The joint venture also includes a Genetic Centre to establish a flow of TOPIGS genetics to Zhangjiakou, a city with a sow population of more than 200,000 sows. Topigs will produce top quality semen at the Genetic Centre with distribution through the Ruibang sales network.

  With this cooperation, ZhangJiaKou city and Hebei province will have safe and high quality pork produced efficiently and with the lowest cost price. The government, ZhangJiakou Animal Husbandry Bureau and Hebei North University, the multi-faculty university in Zhangjiakou, are closely involved in the cooperation. The new Ruibang Pig Breeding Farm and distribution network will offer the students internship and job opportunities. Ruibang has adopted western barn facilities and Topigs management processes. On June 20th 2014 the first 210 Topigs breeding gilts arrived at the new breeding farm. The project will support over 25,000 sows in integration and the quality of production is assured by Six Sigma quality assurance system. The agreements were signed and witnessed by Mme. Nynke Runia, Agricultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands,

  Mr. Jiang Wang, City Secretary General of C.P.C.,

  Mr. Glen Illing, Topigs’ Regional Director Asia Pacific & Africa,

  and Mr. Zhongliang Yang, President of Ruibang company.

  Topigs China is a Topigs Norsvin company. With a production of more than 1.55 million crossbred gilts and over 8 million doses of semen per year, Topigs Norsvin is one of the biggest swine genetics suppliers in the world. Each year more than 90 million slaughter pigs are produced with Topigs Norsvin genetics.

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